International Baccalaureate (IB)

All credit is awarded at lower level unless indicated (UL). Worldwide follows guidelines established by the Residential Campus in awarding IB credit. Older exams will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Subject Area/Examination Level CS Code Score Date ERAU Equivalency Credit
Astronomy Standard IBANS 4, 5, 6, 7 05/17-Present PHYS 224 3
Biology Higher IBBHL 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present BIOL 120 3
Biology Standard IBBSL 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present BIOL 120 3
Business and Management
Business and Management Higher IBBMH 4 07/06-Present Management Elective 3
Business and Management Higher IBBMH 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present MGMT 201 3
Business and Management Standard IBMMS  4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Management Elective 3
Chemistry Higher IBCHL 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present CHM 110 and CHM 110L 4
Chemistry Standard IBCHL 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present CHM 110 and CHM 110L 4
Classical Languages
Latin or Classical Greek Higher IBLGH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Humanities Elective 3
Latin or Classical Greek Standard

No Credit
Computer Science
Computer Science Higher IBCSH 4 07/06-Present ENGR 115 or CSCI Adv. Elective 3
Computer Science Higher IBCSH 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present ENGR 115 & CSCI Adv. Elective 7
Computer Science Standard IBCSS 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present ENGR 115 or CSCI Adv. Elective 3
Information Technology in a Global Society Higher IBITH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present CSCI 109 3
Information Technology in a Global Society Standard

No Credit  
Dance Higher IBDHL 4, 5, 6, 7 05/18-Present Open Elective 3
Design Technology
Design Technology Higher IBDTH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Open Elective 3
Design Technology Standard       No Credit
Economics Higher Level Higher IBEHL 4, 5 07/06-Present ECON 211 3
Economics Higher Level Higher IBEHL 6, 7 07/06-Present ECON 210 & ECON 211 6
Economics Standard Level Standard IBESL 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Economics Elective 3
English A: Literature Higher IBEAH 4 07/07-Present ENGL 123 3
English A: Literature Higher IBEAH 5, 6, 7 07/07-Present ENGL 123 & HUMN 142 6
English A: Language and Literature or A1/A2 Higher IBLAH 4 07/07-Present ENGL 123 3
English A: Language and Literature or A1/A2 Higher IBLAH 5, 6, 7 07/07-Present ENGL 123 & HUMN 142 6
English B Higher
    No Credit  
All English Standard       No Credit  
Language A: Literature Higher IBLAL 5, 6, 7 05/21-Present HUMN 142 3
Environmental Systems
Environmental Systems Higher IBESH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present PHYS 142 3
Environmental Systems Standard IBESS 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present PHYS 142 3
Environmental Systems & Society Standard IBENS 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Physical Science Elective 3
Film Higher IBFHL 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Humanities Elective (UL) 3
Film Standard

  No Credit  
Geography Higher IBGHL 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Social Science Elective 3
Geography Standard       No Credit
Global Politics
Global Politics Higher IBGLP 4, 5, 6, 7 05/19-Present Government Elective 3
History (any country/region) Higher IBHIH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/00-Present History Elective 3
Islamic History Higher IBIHH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/00-Present History Elective 3
World History Higher IBWHH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/00-Present History Elective 3
All History (including Islamic) Standard

No Credit  

Non-English Language
Chinese A1, B Standard IBCAS 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Humanities Elective 3
Language A1, A2 Higher IBLNH 4 07/06-Present
Humanities Elective 3
Language A1, A2 Higher IBLNH 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present
Humanities Elective 6
Language B Higher IBALH 4 07/06-Present
Humanities Elective 3
Language B Higher IBALH 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present
Humanities Elective
Language AB, A1, A2, B Standard

No Credit
Mathematics Applications and Interp. Standard IBAIS  5, 6, 7 05/21-Present MATH 111 3
Mathematics Applications and Interp. Higher IBAIH 5, 6, 7 05/21-Present
MATH 112 & STAT 222 6
Math Analysis and Approaches Standard IBAAS 5, 6, 7 05/21-Present
MATH 143 3
Math Analysis and Approaches Higher IBAAH 5, 6, 7 05/21-Present
MATH 143 & MATH 241 7
Mathematics Higher IBMAH 5, 6, 7 05/16-Present MATH 140 & MATH 241 7
Mathematics Higher IBMAH 5, 6, 7 07/09-4/16 MATH 140, 145, 241, 222 13
Mathematics Higher IBMAH 5, 6, 7 07/06-06/09 MATH 241 & MATH 242 8
Mathematics Standard IBMAS 5, 6, 7 07/09-Present MATH 111 & MATH 112 6
Mathematics Standard IBMAS 5, 6, 7 07/06-06/09 MATH 112 3
Further Mathematics Higher IBFMH  5, 6, 7 07/06-04/21 STAT 222 3
Further Mathematics Standard IBFMS  5, 6, 7 07/06-04/21 STAT 222 3
Mathematical Studies Standard IBMSS 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present MATH 140 or MATH 111 3
Music Higher IBMUH  4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Humanities Elective 3
Music Standard       No Credit  
Philosophy Higher IBPLH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Humanities Elective 3
Philosophy Standard

No Credit  
Physics Higher IBPHH 5, 6, 7 05/13-Present PHYS 102 & Physics Elective 7
Physics Higher IBPHH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/12-04/13 PHYS 102 & Physics Elective 7
Physics Higher IBPHH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-06/12 PHYS 102 & Physics Elective 6
Physics Standard IBPHS 5, 6, 7 05/14-Present Physics Elective 3
Physics Standard IBPHS 5, 6, 7 05/13-04/14 PHYS 102 & Physics Elective 6
Physics Standard IBPHS 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-04/13 PHYS 102 & Physics Elective 6
Psychology Higher IBPSH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present PSYC 220 3
Psychology Standard IBPSS 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present PSYC 220 3
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Social and Cultural Anthropology Higher IBSCH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Social Science Elective 3
Social and Cultural Anthropology Standard       No Credit  
Theatre & Visual Arts
Theatre Higher IBTAH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Humanities Elective 3
Visual Arts Higher IBVAH 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Humanities Elective 3
Theatre or Visual Arts Standard       No Credit  
World Religions
World Religions Higher or Standard IBWR 4, 5, 6, 7 07/06-Present Humanities Elective (UL) 3