a calculatorAn investment for your future

Starting a new career or position. Qualifying for a promotion. Stepping into the workforce for the first time. Whichever dream you’re chasing, there’s a way to achieve it. It might seem like a difficult route and a financial challenge, but at Embry-Riddle, we believe in your dreams, and we have several options to help you fund your education.

Location Degree Rate1
Singapore Aviation Academy (SAA) All Graduate (Master's) Degree Programs SGD 1,227
ERC Institute (ERCI) All Graduate (Master's) Degree Programs SGD 1,227
  All Undergraduate (Bachelor's) Degree Programs SGD 680
ERAU Asia Institute All Graduate (Master's) Degree Programs SGD 1,227
All Undergraduate (Bachelor's) Degree Programs SGD 680
Embry-Riddle Asia Online All Graduate (Master's) Degree Programs SGD 1,048
All Undergraduate (Bachelor's) Degree Programs SGD 632
Non-Degree2 SGD 432

1  All figures are subjected to the prevailing GST.
2  Diploma and/or "A" Level holders are eligible for exemptions based on prior learning.
3  Additional Math and English coursework may be required based on placement examination score.
4  Includes Dual Enrollment and Online Exchange Programs.

All rates effective July 1, 2024.

Item Fee1
International Student Fee SGD 175
Student Pass Reapplication Fee SGD 175
Lab Fee2 (Flight Simulation) SGD 650
Lab Fee3 (Non-Flight) SGD 50
Application Fee SGD 75
SGA Fee (annual, in four equal installments) SGD 100
EagleCard Replacement Fee SGD 10
Late Add/Drop SGD 60
Graduation Fee SGD 100
Additional Diploma SGD 81
Fee Protection Scheme4 0.9 % of tuition and SGA

Late Payment Fee

Charged monthly starting 10 days after the payment due date until the balance is paid in full.

$25 or 0.75% of the unpaid balance, whichever is higher

1 All figures are subjected to the prevailing GST.
2 Only required for in-person or blended ASCI 185.
3 Only required for in-person or blended ASCI 301, ASCI 303, ASCI 403 and ASCI 411.
4 Only applicable at ERCI and ERAU Asia Institute locations.

All rates effective July 1, 2024.

Payment of Tuition Fees

After the student contract has been executed and a student has been registered for course modules, invoicing will commence. The Office of Student Services, working with the Finance Department, will issue invoices based on the fees stated in the student contract and the number of course modules for which a student has been registered. Students at ERAU Asia Institute pay fees on an installment basis depending on the number of course modules taken each term.

Fees will differ from student to student depending on the course modules the individual student is enrolled in each term. Fees are due one week before the start of each term, as indicated on the invoice.

Students can make payment fees via bank transfer to ERAU Asia Institute or pay via TransferMate/Touchnet using our online payment portal. Additional information on payment options is provided on the invoice. The Finance Department will issue an original receipt to students within 7 to 14 days after payment is received.

The Finance Department will actively communicate with students who have outstanding fees to settle balances after the payment due date. The Finance Department may put a student on financial hold and/or drop from any term course module registrations if there is no reply or an outstanding balance is not settled by the stipulated deadline. The following restrictions are placed on a student with a financial hold on his/her account:

  • Release of grades
  • Release of transcripts
  • Release of diplomas
  • Enrollment in future course modules

Late Fees, Mandatory Fees and Fee Increases

A late fee will be imposed for late payments (10 days after the payment due date) unless there is an approved payment extension. All Mandatory Fees (as stated under Schedule B in the Student Contract) paid by students will need to be protected under the FPS.

Course module fees are reviewed annually by the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Board of Trustees. Any increase in course module fees will be announced on the ERAU Asia Institute website and will not exceed five percent annually. Students must sign an addendum to the original contract should there be an increase in course module fees within the stipulated course/degree program duration period.

ERAU Asia Institute is committed to avoiding over and undercharging fees. A detailed breakdown of tuition fees, including miscellaneous fees, is clearly defined in the student contract and payment schedule (Schedule B – Course Fees and Schedule C – Miscellaneous Fees).

Miscellaneous Fees

Miscellaneous Fees refer to any non-compulsory fees that the students pay only when applicable. Such fees are typically collected by ERAU Asia Institute when the need arises. Miscellaneous fees are listed in Schedule C of the Standard PEI-Student Contract. Miscellaneous fees are non-refundable. All Mandatory Fees (as stated under Schedule B in the Student Contract) paid by students will need to be protected under the FPS.

Payment Extensions

In extenuating circumstances, students may request a payment extension. The Finance Department will approve requests for a payment extension based on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration circumstances outside a student’s control. An example of such a situation is a bank delay for which evidence can be provided. Also considered when approving payment extensions is the record of previous payments and whether or not repeat requests for payment extensions have been made.

Fee Breakdown

ERAU Asia Institute is committed to the avoidance of over and undercharging of fees. Detailed breakdown of tuition fees, including miscellaneous fees are clearly defined in the student contract and payment schedule (Schedule B – Course Fees and Schedule C – Miscellaneous Fees).

Fee Protection Scheme

It is compulsory for all Private Education Institutions in Singapore to protect any student fees paid in advance. The scheme ensures that if ERAU Asia Institute fails to deliver its programs due to closure for any reason, students can claim back any fees that have been paid in advance.

This fee protection is provided through a Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) group insurance taken out by the ERAU Asia Institute on behalf of students. ERAU Asia Institute engages Lonpac Insurance as the provider of all policies taken out under the FPS. The policy provides the refund of unconsumed fees paid should ERAU Asia Institute close or be unable to deliver the academic program as detailed in the contract for any reason. The policy also provides compensation if ERAU Asia Institute fails to pay any sum awarded by Singapore Courts to an insured student. The premium is .9% of the sum of all fees invoiced in any term.

Contact Us

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
70 Seletar Aerospace View; #02-01 Air 7 Asia Building
Singapore, 797564