Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University follows a system of holistic and authentic assessment. Typically, a variety of formative and summative assessment tools will be used to assess each student holistically during the term, as specifically outlined in the Grading section of each syllabus. The types of assessment in each course module include but are not limited to examinations, essays, research projects, discussion boards, presentations and quizzes. Assessments may be conducted either in-person or online via the Learning Management System. Each and every course module includes at least one summative assessment, by way of a final examination or a final project, to evaluate a student's mastery of the learning outcomes, and is held in Week 9 of the given term. This summative assessment counts for no less than 20% but no more than 35% of the final mark. Final grades will be posted by midnight on the seventh day after the term ends.

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Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
70 Seletar Aerospace View; #02-01 Air 7 Asia Building
Singapore, 797564